Thursday, March 31, 2011

Jacob's Mom's New Home

I literally burst into tears when I saw these pictures of Jacob's Mom in front of her new home.  I could tell she was more poised and comfortable, andI hope that means she is eating and living like she was used to before. She was in pain all the time and seemed "puffy" in the first pictures I saw of her. In this picture, I can see where Jacob's bone structure and expression comes from.

The sturdy structure, obviously made by hand directly represents the tenacity and dedication and the concept of one building things one brick at a time is a testament to Jacob and comes directly from the heart.  I am so proud of where he has come from and what he has gone through to heal and to help his family in Sudan.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Jacob's Song by Kevin Joyce

This song was written by Vashon Singer and songwriter (among other things) Kevin Joyce. It is a biographical song about Jacob Acier, a former "Lost Boy of the Sudan".

Now Jacob is a man, and finding his way in the world. Peace to you brother!