Thursday, July 2, 2009

Jacob Acier

Jacob Acier is a former "Lost Boy of the Sudan" who lives on Vashon Island. He left his village when he was about 8 years old and walked across the desert with thousands of young boys and girls to Ethiopia. Then when the war broke out there in 1989, he left there to try to go back to Sudan, but since it was so dangerous they ended up going to Kenya to a refugee camp and school. He was brought to the US by Catholic Community Services, and given a place to live for a few months and helped to get his first job- in his life. He landed on Vashon Island a few years after that. The Beachcomber has written several stories about him that you can read here. You can learn a bit more about the community that helped him get to this point by reading the
Beachcomber story. If you check out the "Lost Boys of the Sudan" PBS documentary, he is in the first scene with Peter when he is giving away all the things he owns in the camp before he goes to America.
Now he is at the point of needing to raise money and airline miles by July 25th to allow him to visit his mom this summer! He is taking a loan from Sawbones (the company where he works) for about $6000, but needs about that much more to make the trip successful.

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